Expert Articles
Is It Time to Give Yourself a Break and Consolidate Your Investment Portfolio?
After spending decades building wealth, there comes a time that high net worth individuals and families should take a close look at their investments to determine what can be simplified and consolidated. Such measures make it significantly easier to manage assets during the wealth distribution phase of your life, along with other benefits. Here are just some of the ways various accounts, investments, and other entities can be consolidated to simplify your life.
Read More »How to Avoid Putting Multiple Investment Strategies on a Collision Course
Without careful planning, decisions made for one investment can have unintended consequences for investments in other arenas. Soon, tax rules or maturation of long-term projects may end up working at odds with each other resulting in suboptimal portfolios, cash flow issues, higher taxes, and greater investment risk than initially anticipated. Following are some common examples of individually sound investment strategies colliding down the road causing undesired results, and insight into how a more strategic plan would resolve issues before they become a problem.
Read More »A Starting Point for Managing Volatility
In a correlating article for Worth Magazine, I've written about the best strategies for managing volatility. That piece addresses several angles and makes mention of tools used for managing volatility, including written expectations for upside and downside possibilities. However, for many people, the first hurdle is knowing where to start just to understand these personal expectations. If that's you, this article serves as an excellent primer to the Worth article.
Read More »Building Trust with Your Advisor
Trust in your advisor is a critical element to the client-advisor relationship. Without it, you are more likely to withhold valuable details regarding your assets that will limit your results and leave you at greater risk to unexpected challenges. As a starting point to developing a strong relationship with your advisor, these are some relatively simple questions to get you on your way.
Read More »2018 Tax Documents — What to Expect, When, and From Whom
As winter melts into spring and tax preparation season is upon us, we're here to help. To assist you with organizing details and gathering information, we've compiled the below checklist of dates, reminders, and tax documents.
Read More »5 Fraud Schemes That Target Seniors
It probably wasn't long after humankind developed its first system of commerce, that someone figured out a way to cheat the system to his own benefit. And there is no doubt that today's digital world has only increased the number of ways for criminals to take advantage of others. Sadly, one of the fastest growing areas of fraud involves older adults. To protect yourself and your loved ones, be aware of these common schemes so that you can more easily identify them as they are happening.
Read More »10 Red Flags for Recognizing Diminished Capacity
While physical incapacity is generally easy to spot, cognitive problems may start occurring well before anyone detects them. And one of the first areas commonly affected by diminished capacity is the ability to make sound financial decisions. These 10 warning signs can help you start a planning process that avoids potential financial pitfalls.
Read More »Do Your HR Efforts Consider Cultural Needs?
At a basic level, business culture is simply the summation of traits and behaviors of the employees. Satisfaction, however, is a fulfilled need or desire. And, cultural priorities can play a huge role in job satisfaction. So, do you know which characteristics of corporate culture your employees hold in highest regard?
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