Expert Articles


Are You Prepared for the 2025 Sunset of Estate Tax Exemption Limits?

At the end of the year 2025, the estate tax exemption limits expanded by 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are set to expire. If Congress allows that to happen, lifetime exemption amounts will effectively be cut in half. These are the implications high-net-worth individuals should understand and the preparations that should be taken for the potential sunsetting of this current benefit.

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What's Causing Chaos in Homeowners' Insurance?

In recent months, we've had many conversations with clients regarding current factors impacting their wealth. A frequent recurring topic has revolved around recent changes in homeowners' insurance. To shine a bit more light on the subject, we sat down with insurance expert, Hanna Ogle, to share her insights on the subject.

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The Role of Insurance in Estate Planning

Estate planning is a crucial part of ensuring your assets are managed and distributed as per your wishes after your passing. One element of that planning is often insurance. While insurance can play a significant role in a good estate plan, it's also important to recognize when it may not be needed.

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Avoiding Financial Strategy Collision Course

It's very common for wealthy people to have multiple investments working congruently, and we all want financial strategies that maximize wealth and defer taxes as effectively as possible. However, if you aren't careful and fully consider each investment in both the near-term and long-term, you create colliding strategies that result in concentrated tax consequences in a small window of time. Here are 3 common missteps and how to avoid them.

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Building Wealth Management Relationships for Family

More often than not, wealth management extends beyond an individual. When selecting a wealth manager, it's important to look for a relationship that supports your financial goals and your family's goals. Such relationship-building should be instrumental to your wealth manager's approach to serving you and your family. This article addresses the reasons why, and some of the benefits you can look to gain.

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What Does it Mean to Invest as an Accredited Investor or Qualified Purchaser?

As public markets become more volatile, wealth managers look to more specialized investment vehicles and strategies to broaden portfolio allocation to potentially improve returns. These strategies can often only be offered to investors considered an Accredited Investor or Qualified Purchaser. Here's what those terms mean and how they differ.

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Keeping an Eye on the Debt Ceiling

The following is a brief summary of the debt ceiling: what it is and what it means to investors. We put together this summary to help answer some of the questions we've been fielding from clients as this topic remains a headline in current news events.

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How the SECURE 2.0 Act May Change Your Retirement Plans

As the clock wound down in 2022, Congress made some major changes to the rules governing retirement savings accounts. Among other improvements, the legislation known as the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 pushes back the start of required minimum distributions for retirees, raises catch-up contribution limits for retirement plans, and makes workplace retirement plans more flexible. Read on to learn more about the changes and how they could impact your plans for retirement.

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