Expert Articles


Stock Trading in a Social Media World

By now, you have likely heard about the unusual activity in the stock market relating to GameStop, Robinhood, and the small group of investors looking to exact revenge on large institutional traders and hedge funds. It certainly caused a stir but is there any reason for real concern that it could significantly impact future investments?

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Welcome, 2021! Your Arrival is Greeted with Open Arms

Some years teach us more than others; 2020 was certainly one of those years. And if the first couple of weeks of this year are any indication, 2021 will be very enlightening as we recover and respond to all the changes last year required. From health to business to politics, these challenges have led to many questions. As they relate to markets and economies, Slaughter Associates President and CEO, Brooks Slaughter offers the following assessment of where things stand and the likely path we'll follow in 2021.

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How Presidential Cycles Impact the Markets

Every four years it seems we get to participate in “the most important election in history.” According to politicians in both major political parties, this year will be no different. Certainly, the global pandemic puts a unique spin on the 2020 presidential election, but history can still serve as a reliable guide in projecting market reactions regardless of who wins.

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Starting a Financial Conversation with Your Children

Young adults just getting started in their careers often struggle to understand the importance of investing early; not to mention the logistics of how to invest. In many cases, a simple conversation with parents is the best place to start. Here are some points to keep in mind along with some tips for guiding such a conversation.

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Q&A on Health Savings Accounts

In our second issue of On Course, Darby addressed the benefits of Health Savings Accounts – many of which extend beyond the obvious purpose of paying for medical expenses. However, there still remain many questions readers likely have regarding when and how to use and take advantage of HSA's. This follow-up piece should help answer many of those questions.

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Tax Tips Ahead of the 2019 Tax Deadline

To make sure our clients take advantage of every opportunity to reduce their taxes, we've compiled this list of potential actions that you may still be able to take before filing your 2019 taxes. Where applicable, these steps will help ensure you leave nothing on the table.

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SECURE Act Paves Way for Better Access to Retirement Plans

Passed in December of last year, the SECURE Act has loft goals of increasing access to workplace retirement plans for millions of workers, and the provisions reach farther than near term retirement strategies and lifetime annuity programs. With that in mind, this article addresses some of the other noteworthy provisions that may affect workers and business owners.

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Tax Planning To-Do's to Meet 2020 Deadlines

As we close out the year 2019, here are some planning tips to keep in mind ahead of your 2020 tax deadlines.

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